Tee Watt Kaa refuses to shelter the Jedi from arriving Separatist forces, fearing that such an action would unnecessarily bring his neutral people into the war. SAISON 1 - The Clone Wars (2008–2009) Episode 1 The Clone Wars : Ambush - Embuscade Proverbe Jedi: "Great leaders inspire greatness in others." Star Wars Taco Bell Episode 1 Anakin Skywalker Cup Topper 1999. Anakin tries to convince the Zygerrian Queen that she, too, is a slave and pawn in an evil Separatist plot. However, shortly after General Grievous arrives, demanding to know why the attack was cancelled. Outmatched, Obi-Wan and Ventress flee Maul and Savage in the ship's cockpit, leaving the two Dathomirian brothers to patiently stage their next move—with Maul vowing to exact his revenge on Obi-Wan. After killing Vizsla, Maul assumes control over a majority of the Death Watch. The peaceful world of Bardotta finds itself threatened by an ancient prophecy. When the Zillo Beast is brought back to Coruscant in hopes of learning the secret of its impenetrable armour, it instead breaks loose and rampages across the. Walkers Battle (3:11) 11. Opress escapes and is punished by Dooku for killing Katuunko rather than capturing him. Sheldonwiggins2pb . [99] The Bad Batch was eventually completed and aired as the first arc of season 7. Star Wars: The Clone Wars is an American 3D CGI animated television series created by Lucasfilm Animation, Lucasfilm Animation Singapore and CGCG Inc. On August 15, 2008, the debut film was released in theaters; it served as the introduction of the series. 10 Ambush (Season 1, Episode 1) Ahsoka faces off against Maul, who mentions Darth Sidious before escaping. ... Star Wars Premier Collection Clone Wars Ahsoka Tano Statue preorder for november. Despite Anakin's best efforts to exonerate her, she is forced to escape the military prison where she is interred and flee into the Coruscant underworld to find the actual perpetrator and prove her innocence. Star Wars: The Clone Wars The Gathering (Saison 5 Episode 6) Aperçu #1. When the Senate begins debate on a bill that would eliminate government oversight of the Banking Clan's activities, Padmé and Ahsoka travel in secret to the capital of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, in an attempt to forge a peace agreement with the Separatists. Ahsoka then helps work on some of Rafa's droids, which turn out to be violence-prone. Saison 1 22 Épisodes; Saison 2 22 Épisodes; Saison 3 22 Épisodes; Saison 4 22 Épisodes; Saison 5 20 Épisodes; Saison 6 13 Épisodes; Saison 7 12 Épisodes; Vudeo VF - HD; Close. Lire le synopsis, voir la bande annonce et la date de 1ère diffusion TV de l'épisode S1E01 Embuscade de la saison 1 de la série TV The Clone Wars. Watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 1 episode 2 online. When Cad Bane is sent to hunt down Ziro, he learns that Jedi Masters Obi-Wan and. [99] It was included in the season 6 Blu-ray. Obi-Wan and Anakin try to stop bounty hunter Cad Bane from stealing a holocron from the Jedi temple. [9] The seventh and final season premiered on February 21, 2020.[94]. Clovis' deal with the Separatists backfires and consequently instigates war to Scipio, thus provoking the Republic to intervene and ultimately win the battle. Each episode has a running time of 22 minutes, filling a half-hour time slot. Ahsoka Tano is blamed for the murder of Letta Turmond, the key suspect in the bombing, and is detained by Admiral Tarkin. Se Connecter maintenant! Read More. [102] The scripts and designs for the arc were adapted into a four-issue comic book titled Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir,[103] released in August 2014 by the publisher Dark Horse Comics. . Senator Onaconda Farr is poisoned, and Padmé teams up with Bail Organa to unmask the culprit, who turns out to be a fellow senator. After Ahsoka manages to rescue Anakin from certain peril on Cato Neimoidia, the two are called back to Coruscant from the front lines to investigate a terrorist bombing at the Jedi Temple. 1:31. Boba's revenge scheme finally leads to a climactic battle, and the life of a Republic admiral hangs in the balance. As a lead-in to the TV series of the same name, the film was released theatrically on August 15, 2008, and was distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. They must work together to get off the planet safely. Ahsoka escapes the prison and places explosives all over the facility, where she overhears the Pykes talking to Darth Maul, who is on Mandalore. Episode Viewers and Ratings. Realizing that familial love is a ubiquitous virtue throughout the galaxies and that her powers are needed by many, Ventress finds a sense of closure and hope for her future after all. With the bounty hunters now in Republic custody, Obi-Wan wants to change back to his original self. Count Dooku invites some of the best bounty hunters in the galaxy, including Cad Bane and a still-disguised Obi-Wan, to compete in an obstacle course designed by Moralo Eval known as "The Box", with involvement in the plot to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine as the reward for survival. We find ourselves in a heated time of the Star Wars Canon, in the depths of Mustafar. On a ensuite quatre épisode plutôt sympa sur Umbara. [100] The four episodes were titled: "The Enemy of My Enemy", "A Tale of Two Apprentices", "Proxy War", and "Showdown on Dathomir" (original production codes: 6.21–6.24). $14.95. Regarder Serie Star Wars – The Clone Wars S 1 x Ep 9. Ahsoka encounters three Jedi younglings named Kalifa, Jinx and O-mer, who she teams up with to survive. Rather than wait for help, Padmé explores the lab with Jar Jar. Even though the lab has been shut down, Dr. Vindi manages to activate the dreaded Blue Shadow Virus, infecting Ahsoka, Padmé, and many clone troopers. The season five finale, "The Wrong Jedi", was broadcast on March 2, 2013, and attracted 2.18 million viewers. The series began with a theatrical feature film which was released on August 15, 2008, and debuted on Cartoon Network two months later on October 3, 2008. Mangual Jordan 7,805 views. La remarquable épisode 1 streaming VF est l’épisode clé de la série Star Wars: The Clone Wars. As Ahsoka and Rex try to escape from the cruiser, Maul destroys its hyperdrive, causing the vessel to drop out of hyperspace and into a nearby moon's gravitational field. Saison 1 22 Épisodes; Saison 2 22 Épisodes; Saison 3 22 Épisodes; Saison 4 22 Épisodes; Saison 5 20 Épisodes; Saison 6 13 Épisodes; Saison 7 12 Épisodes; Vudeo VF - HD; Close. With Ryloth under siege, a trapped Jedi Master Ima-Gun Di and his clone forces rally the local forces of Cham Syndulla. Im Zentrum der Handlung stehen bekannte Charaktere wie Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala und Yoda. It debuted with "Revival" on September 29, 2012 on Cartoon Network, and concluded with "The Wrong Jedi" on March 2, 2013. Expand You need to be logged in to continue. At the time of cancellation in March 2013, there were still many episodes in development. After facing many challenges in The Box, Obi-Wan survives, along with Cad Bane and three other bounty hunters. Tup is transported back to Coruscant, where his body is to be examined by the Chancellor's personal physician. Meanwhile, Anakin seeks vengeance for the death of his former master. La série fut diffusée sur Cartoon Network aux Etats-Unis du 3 octobre 2008 au 20 mars 2009 puis sur W9, en France, du 23 décembre 2008 au 25 avril 2009. However, though cleared of all charges, Ahsoka is disillusioned by the turn of events and leaves the Jedi Order. Anakin, Ahsoka and Aayla Secura offer Lurmen a Republic position in the war. After the Republic and the Jedi High Council refuse to give Ahsoka Tano and the rebels assistance, Anakin Skywalker persuades Hondo Ohnaka to supply illegal rocket launchers to the rebels to combat the Separatist's new gunships. serie Star Wars – The Clone Wars saison 7 episode 1 en streaming sur cinema HD avec des videos en ligne complet gratuit est un histoire : Rex, Cody et Clone Force 99, une escouade d'élite peu orthodoxe également connue sous le nom de Bad Batch, cherchent à récupérer l'algorithme de stratégie Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Season 4, Episode 1 Water War Episode Guide "When destiny calls, the chosen have no choice." Back on Coruscant, Clovis strikes a dubious deal to become the leader of the banking clan, which is deeply mired in corruption. Darth Maul and Savage Opress form an alliance with the Mandalorian terrorist group Death Watch and several crime syndicates, including the Black Sun, the Pyke Syndicate, and the Hutt Cartel, in order to take over Mandalore and defeat Obi-Wan Kenobi. Yoda is deeply unsettled when he hears the voice of his deceased friend. Plo Koon then arrives and rescues the Jedi, taking them back to Coruscant. Shipping: + $29.99 Shipping . Anakin, Rex, and the Bad Batch escape Wat Tambor's facility with Echo and fight their way past Techno Union droid forces. The last two episodes of the season aired on Super RTL in Germany on March 8, 2014, a day after the Netflix release. Saison 1. Bo-Katan apprehends Prime Minister Almec, while Ahsoka follows a trail into the city's tunnel network, only to walk right into Maul's trap. Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex, and Obi-Wan arrive and follow after her. As Anakin and Ahsoka rush to defuse a series of bombs planted by the slavers, Obi-Wan must fight with their imposing leader, who then runs off leading Anakin and Ahsoka to raid and take over his ship. Ahsoka and Yoda take a group of younglings to a cave on Ilum to perform a Jedi rite of passage called "The Gathering", where they will each have to face an internal fear or flaw in order to retrieve a Kyber crystal so they can begin building their own lightsabers. Meanwhile, Ahsoka discovers another shapeshifting bounty hunter disguised as a Jedi. The one-hour season finale combined of "R2 Come Home" and "Lethal Trackdown", was broadcast on April 30, 2010, and the original broadcast received 2.756 million viewers. Separatist Neimoidian General Lok Durd arrives to test a devastating weapon, which they plan to use on the Lurmen. Créée par George Lucas, la série se déroule entre l'épisode II, L'Attaque des clones, et l'épisode III, La Revanche des Sith, de la série de films Star Wars. Ahsoka and Barriss are to transport critical supplies to a medical station, but their clone troops are infected with mind-controlling Geonosian worms which try to kill the Jedi. They retreat to the native village, and with the help of the locals defend Echo from reinforcements sent by Wat Tambor to recapture the Techno Union's "experiment". Meanwhile, Obi-Wan and Rex are captured and taken to the Planet of Kadavo to toil in the slave camps. Meanwhile, Talzin tells Ventress to attack Dooku after these events. Meanwhile, the Jedi lead the Republic forces in an assault on the primary battle droid manufacturing facility. After their ship crashes on a desolate planet, D-Squad and Colonel Gascon must find a way off to get back to Coruscant, or be stranded forever. Ticking Time Bomb (2:51) 13. Ahsoka promises to take care of the other two younglings as Kalifa dies. Sortie en en 2008 dans la catégorie Action & Adventure, l’épisode 19 qui dure 25, a été notée de 7.50 et a eu 166 votes. Share Images, Screencaps, and Wallpapers from Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 1 with friends on social media quickly and easily. The arc takes place on Utapau with Obi-Wan and Anakin investigating an arms deal involving the Separatists and a kyber crystal. She began her arc on the show as a villain but ended up becoming something of an anti-hero. With the Siege of Mandalore over, Ahsoka and Rex prepare to take Maul before the Jedi Council on Coruscant. Obi-Wan and Jedi Master Adi Gallia intervene, but Savage kills Adi. A behind the scenes look at Obi-Wan's foray into undercover work. With two of his men (Fives and Jesse) facing execution for disobeying orders, Captain Rex is forced to confront his overly aggressive commander, General Krell, in the conclusion to the action-packed battle for Umbara. Jedi bombad. Maul sends a message to Obi-Wan Kenobi to confront him alone by murdering the inhabitants of a village on a distant planet. Ahsoka and the Martez sisters end up recaptured by the Pykes. Ahsoka gets captured by Trandoshans during a battle on the planet Felucia. Séries. [99] The eight episodes were titled: "Lethal Alliance", "The Mission", "Conspirators", "Dark Disciple", "Saving Vos, Part I", "Saving Vos, Part II", "Traitor", and "The Path" (original production codes: 6.13–6.16 and 7.05–7.08). Download to watch offline and even view it on a big screen using Chromecast. Star Wars: Clone Wars season 1 episode 4 Chapter 4 : With the battle of Muunilinst raging in space as well as on land, San Hill orders Durge and his IG-lancer droids to defend the city. saison 7 episode 1 de série streaming Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) en stream compléte Vf et Vostfr gratuitement sur Cpasmieux Star Wars: The Clone Wars Tipping Points (Saison 5 Episode 5) Aperçu #1. Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker face a dilemma: save the beast as the last specimen of its kind, or help the Dugs kill it and secure a treaty for critical fuel supplies? Maul flees and confers with Mother Talzin, who is revealed to be his biological mother, and plots to draw out Sidious by capturing Dooku and Grievous. However, before Obi-Wan can help the younglings, he is attacked by General Grievous and defeated, but nearly kills the droid general by setting the self-destruct on the. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine goes to Naboo, guarded by Jedi Knights. Proving his loyalty once more, Echo uses his cybernetic implants to foil the droid forces on Anaxes, but Trench activates a bomb that could destroy most of the planet. Chauff a noté 13 à Star Wars: The Clone Wars 3.13. While returning to Coruscant with their lightsaber crystals, the younglings are attacked by Hondo, who wants to steal their crystals and sell them. [12] Season 1 depicted the attempts of the Republic and the Separatists to gain the allegiance of many planets and moons. They drop her off on a planet where they intend to hunt her and others for sport. Fierce beast-riding warriors, the Talz are very territorial and only want to be left alone. Mace Windu and Yoda contact Ahsoka via hologram and reveal that Obi-Wan has tracked Grievous down to Utapau, indicating that the war may soon be over. Fueled by hatred, Maul and Opress set out to take revenge on the Jedi who had sliced him in half. Ahsoka secretly uses the Force to aid their escape, and three Mandalorians catch sight of her. They find that the Senator is being held captive by the sinister Dr. Nuvo Vindi. Using the information stolen from Senator Clovis, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Ki-Adi-Mundi lead a combined clone trooper assault on a massive droid factory on Geonosis. General Krell orders Captain Rex and the clone troopers of the 501st Legion to conquer a heavily fortified Umbaran airbase, and will not accept anything less than victory. Chairman Papanoida's family is kidnapped and held for ransom. Cad Bane uses the holocron to find and kidnap Force-sensitive younglings. Now, Jedi Master Mace Windu and Senate Representative Jar Jar Binks need to give everything in order to stop the cult. The scheme works, and Talzin is able to restore herself to her physical form, but sacrifices herself to save Maul and is killed by Grievous. Although Maul escapes with a company of loyal Mandalorians, the Shadow Collective has fallen apart due to the conflict with Sidious, as the Hutts, Pykes, and Black Sun have all abandoned Maul. On March 11, 2013, Lucasfilm announced that The Clone Wars would be "winding down", effectively canceling the series as Lucasfilm ended its contract with Cartoon Network following its acquisition by Disney. [1] It is set in the fictional Star Wars galaxy, during the three-year interim between Episode II – Attack of the Clones and Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (the same time period as the previous 2003 Clone Wars series). L'Effet secondaire saison 1 épisode 01 : L'alarme - Vidéos, acteurs, résumé, notes, commentaires, audiences, courbe des moyennes, citations. On their return voyage to Coruscant, their Republic cruiser is attacked by General Grievous. The season four premiere, consisting of "Water War" and "Gungan Attack", was broadcast on September 16, 2011, and attracted 1.93 million viewers, the lowest premiere viewing of all seasons. ... Star Wars Episode 1 Cup Topper Lot 1999 Pepsi Watto Sebulba Boss KFC Taco Bell. Upon Anakin's suggestion, Rex (field-promoted to commander) and part of the 501st accompanies Ahsoka to Mandalore, forcing Maul's loyalists under Gar Saxon into retreat. When Falso tries to steal the ransom from his boss by shooting down the shuttle, the only survivors are a squad of clones and Jar Jar, who as the most senior officer alive, has to take charge of the mission. The first eleven episodes of the sixth season aired on Super RTL in Germany ahead of their original Netflix release. Will the Jedi and the inhabitants of Mon Calamari join forces and push back the invaders, or will another planet fall in the hands of the Separatists? The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 0: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Summary: After a large battle between the Battle Droids and the Clone Troopers, Anakin and his new padawan, Ahsoka Tano, are recruited to save Jabba The Hutt's son. Sign Up Now! $140.00 + Shipping . [99] The comic was the last Star Wars comic published by Dark Horse before Lucasfilm transferred the license to Marvel Comics in 2014[104] and was collected into a trade paperback by Marvel in 2018.[105]. The season finale, consisting of "Padawan Lost" and "Wookiee Hunt", was broadcast on April 1, 2011, attracting 2.31 million viewers. While there, he learns that another prisoner, notorious bounty hunter Cad Bane, is also involved. Poltechs (3:14) 8. In July 2018, Lucasfilm announced at San Diego Comic-Con that The Clone Wars would return with 12 new episodes on Disney+. And Jar Jar Binks indeed manages to convince Jedi Master Mace Windu that this matter is of grave importance. Through their relationship with her, the clones begin to understand the real cost of the war. The Son is about to kill the Father, but the Daughter sacrifices herself to save the Father and returns Ahsoka to normal as well by the Daughter transferring her life to Ahsoka. Not required viewing for Star Wars fans but certainly an easy way to burn a weekend or four. An example of an opening quote from the series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. With Onderon lost to him, Dooku executes Sanjay Rash and has his forces depart the planet. An underwater battle takes place for the Republic to save the planet from falling. While the series is designed to be an anthology of both standalone episodes and small story arcs, various events throughout inform stories, characters, and relationships to create a recognizably continuous narrative. … L’épisode 19 est remplie d’événements, d’intérêts et de situations très marquantes, sans oublier les acteurs qui maîtrisent leurs rôles à la perfection. [4][5][6][7], On July 19, 2018, Lucasfilm announced at San Diego Comic-Con that The Clone Wars would return with 12 new episodes to be released on Disney+ during the service's first year. While Jedi Master Adi Gallia and Anakin try to rescue him, Obi-Wan plays bait to lure Grievous and capture him. As Ahsoka and her allies struggle to evade the Trandoshan hunters, their efforts receive an unexpected boost when a new captive arrives: Anakin, Padmé, Kit Fisto and Ahsoka find themselves on the planet of Mon Cala helping to keep the peace in a near civil war. The first season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars consists of twenty-two episodes. Star Wars: The Clone Wars is an American 3D CGI animated television series created by Lucasfilm Animation, Lucasfilm Animation Singapore and CGCG Inc. On August 15, 2008, the debut film was released in theaters; it served as the introduction of the series. During the course of the series, 133 episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars were released over seven seasons, between October 3, 2008, and May 4, 2020. Obi-Wan receives aid from an unlikely ally, Asajj Ventress, now a bounty hunter after the one million credit bounty on Opress. The Clone Wars 3.14. Having made a stand against the corruption on his planet, Clovis has now become the target of the bounty hunter Embo. 1x1 - Embuscade. This page was last edited on 8 February 2021, at 19:42. On Coruscant, Satine disguises herself as a civilian to avoid assassins as she pleads for the Senate to leave her planet in peace. Episodes 21 and 22 were released in the UK before airing in the US. 4. Buy Clone Wars: Season 1 Episode 1 on Google Play, then watch on your PC, Android, or iOS devices. Luminara is captured while looking for Separatist leader Poggle the Lesser, and it's up to Anakin, Obi-Wan and Commander Cody to enter a colony of Geonosian zombies to find her. A highly seasoned Separatist strategist stands between the Republic fleet and beleaguered Republic forces on. Images, Screencaps, Wallpapers, and Blog . Épisodes à regarder : The Clone Wars Saison 4. Anakin et Obi-Wan se portent à son secours. La saison 1 de The Clone Wars fut précédée d'un film sorti en août 2008 qui porte le même nom que la série et qui regroupe quatre épisodes initialement prévus pour cette saison. Embed Share. The show isn’t terrible; after Season 1 the episodes become pretty palatable and there’s some decent humor and drama interspersed throughout. (Bonus material from Season 4, Disc 3 DVD). When surrounded by war, one must eventually choose a side. Toujours sur les mêmes bases de tous les épisodes de la série emblématique Star Wars: The Clone Wars, cet épisode de Star Wars: The Clone Wars saison 1 est une production de l’année 2008, en . While Anakin, Obi-Wan and Dooku unsuccessfully attempt to escape, the Republic sends the ransom via a special envoy, including Representative Jar Jar Binks. Vindi threatens to set off a bomb and release the virus. Endeavoring to liberate his planet from the sinister Tamson, Lee Char must now convince the Quarren to rejoin his cause. The resulting conflict escalates into war between the clones and the Talz, with the Jedi in the middle. Es werden aber auch andere Figuren eingeführt, die in den Filmen keine große Rolle spielten. Cad Bane, the leader of the operation, with the help of bounty hunter. Obi-Wan infiltrates Mandalore, but ends up captured himself. 1:50. Le début de la Saison 4 de The Clone Wars est une des plus lentes et des moins bonnes. To revenge himself on Hondo for his past capture, Count Dooku has General Grievous attack the pirates' lair on Florrum, so Ahsoka and Hondo must join forces in order to survive this encounter. Though critical reception was negative, the film was a box-office success, and grossed $68.3 million worldwide against an $8.5 million budget. Star Wars: The Clone Wars A Test of Strength (Saison 5 Episode 7) Aperçu #2. Anakin doesn't trust Clovis, causing tensions in his relationship to Padmé. However, what Obi-Wan doesn't realize was that Dooku was eavesdropping via a hidden recorder when he alerted Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker, indicating that a deeper conspiracy is still at hand. Read our episode recap and review to see how the highly anticipated return of Star Wars: The Clone Wars debuts. Le maître Jedi Yoda et trois clones troopers Jjeck, Thire et Rys doivent faire face à l'apprentie du comte Dooku, Ventress et sa massive armée de droïdes afin de prouver que les Jedi sont assez forts pour protéger une planète stratégique et ainsi signer un traité pour la République. Free shipping . For the examination to succeed, Fives must enter the depth of Tup's mind, where he finds a secret code manipulation in the cloning program of the Republic. Just barely clearing the doomed ship, Ahsoka and Rex escape to the moon, where they respectfully bury the clones and Ahsoka discards one of her lightsabers. The complete guide by MSN. As Jedi generals Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu lead the campaign on Anaxes to defend the main Republic shipyard from Admiral Trench, they find that the Separatists' droid army had always been one step ahead of them in every engagement so far. 0.0 Obi-Wan Undercover Video Comentary. Ultimately, the villagers have to decide whether they will lay down to the Separatists or fight with the Jedi to defend their village. They escape by blowing up the facility and are followed back to Coruscant by the three Mandalorians, who were previously part of Death Watch. $17.95 0 bids. After escaping to the planet Saleucami, Grievous searches for a ship to get offworld. She then leaves Maul to be captured by clone troopers, despite his frantic warnings that everyone will soon die. With a magical amulet from Mother Talzin, Savage Opress lands on a junk planet in the Outer Rim and searches for his lost brother. Ahsoka manages to make a deal with the Pykes which allows the Martez sisters to temporarily leave Oba Diah to retrieve the spice, while she is held hostage. During their own attempt to kidnap Dooku, Anakin and Obi-Wan discover that the Sith lord has already been captured by pirates. Click here and start watching the full episode in seconds. Star Wars: The Clone Wars Bound for Rescue (Saison 5 Episode 8) Aperçu #2. Bad Batch Heroics (2:09) 14. Barriss is also infected by this mind-controlling worm. On an alien world, they undertake a precarious, profitable, subterranean delivery mission that tests the limits of their skills, and the strength of Asajj's character. Obi-Wan's mission is complicated when he learns the town's inhabitants are being used as living shields. Upon arrival, Kenobi is attacked by both Maul and Opress, who leave the planet with Kenobi as their prisoner. Ahsoka, Aayla, the wounded Anakin, and the rest of the clones respect their wishes as they do not want to jeopardize the village with their presence, so they have to retreat into the wilds of the planet. Episode 1. After a battle between the Son and the Daughter stopped by the Father, Ahsoka steals the dagger that controls the Son. Informations . They scan for beast forms to protect their robot forms from the planet's large amount of Energon. Thirteen of these episodes were finished to become part of Season 6: The Lost Missions but there were still additional arcs that were never released. Maul proceeds to lure Obi-Wan Kenobi to Mandalore with news of Satine's capture. The droid-crushing, clone trooper-centric first episode of Season 7 has arrived. Clone Trooper Tup is suffering from a severe neurological disorder that causes the death of a Jedi Master. It aired on January 28, 2011. After believing themselves safe, Colonel Gascon and D-Squad discover that they are prisoners of the Separatists in a captured Republic cruiser, finding themselves enmeshed in thwarting a plot to destroy a Republic space station holding a strategic conference. Arriving on the desolate ice world of Orto Plutonia, Anakin and Obi-Wan investigate the disappearance of a clone security force stationed on a remote outpost. Download to watch offline and even view it … A peace conference between Separatists and Republic delegates is interrupted by Lux Bonteri, the son of the late Separatist Senator, Mina Bonteri ("Heroes on Both Sides"). Anakin confronts Trench and successfully obtains the deactivation code before executing the admiral. Due to his possessing of incriminating information, Ziro the Hutt is placed under the custody of the Hutt Council. Résumé de l'épisode 2 Saison 1 de Star Wars: The Clone Wars "La foi n'est pas une affaire de choix, mais de conviction." Rex is wounded by a commando droid sniper while scouting ahead and meets a deserter at a farm where he takes shelter. The story follows Vos partnering up with Ventress, hoping to execute Count Dooku. Star Wars: The Clone Wars Staffel 1 Episodenguide: Wir fassen schnell & übersichtlich alle Folgen der 1. Trying to find the motives for the murder, the Republic escorts Tup back to Kamino for examination, but then they are attacked by the Separatists, who capture him.

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