INT: 120+ 5. Halaman ini terakhir diubah pada 25 Maret 2018, pukul 00.05. Soul Linkers can wear Hood (and Hood[1]), Muffler (and Muffler[1]), as well as Mage-class garments and those usable by "all classes except novice". DR: Deviling Card. Then, speak with her again, and she will guide the player into their own mind. Therefore, the applicable classes are: High Swordsman, High Acolyte, High Archer, High Thief, High Magician, High Merchant. The rest are chosen from the remaining Ka spells. Morpheus's Shawl), cards (Ex. During the Age of Gods, individuals known as Clerics had healing and enchanting abilities to help their friends and partners in battle. As shown, this setting allows the linker to be the primary damage dealer within the party. Effect. DPS: "Damage per second", the average amount of damage a character can do in one second. Or you can go full Spirit skills or full Ka- skills. On the other hand, many skills do not have extensive cast times (usually at higher levels), resulting in a lower need for DEX compared to other magic-using classes. The following are common terms used during gameplay or discussion. Bug Reports/Suggestions: Discord: Processing Time: 0.047 sec Soul Linkers have given up the way of Taekwon Do in order to develop and refine their spiritual powers. 1. Sedangkan untuk menjadi Soul Linker, lokasi NPC tetaplah sama seperti pada panduan yang ada di luar sana, misalnya di iRO Wiki. Report suspected botting to your GM team via the, Buff: A type of skill that improve your abilities, the most common of which is. AGI: 9 3. Maxed Kaina is good for boosting your SP, since a Battle Linker tends to have lower SP pool, and therefore would have problems with constant usage of Kaahi and Mild Wind. Jeweled, golden strapped sandals that offer casual, yet fashionable, comfort. If you can afford to buy a Dagger of Counter, you can go less DEX as Crits ignore your Hit and the opponent's Flee, and you can go with higher INT (which means more SP to use buffs and for Kaahi). You must first attain Job Level 40 as a Taekwon Boy or Girl before changing jobs to Soul Linker. This category page lists the articles related to the Soul Linker class. Much thanks guys. Monk Spirit (Alt: Monk Spirit) is an Expanded class supportive skill available as Soul Linker.. Effect. Spirit: A Soul Linker's Soul Link, or a monk's spirit sphere (not used often in Renewal) (Mostly just "R>" now), PVP/PvP: Player versus player combat, see. Consulter le sujet - Guide Soul Linker. The odd amount of INT & DEX are because Linkers get +12 DEX and INT Job Bonus, thus having Base INT & DEX that ends with 8 will round it up, and the above stats takes only Job Bonus into account. From iRO Wiki. SP Reco: Increase SP Recovery. As shown, this setting allows the linker to be the primary damage dealer within the party. Surround yourself with allies and the spirits will be able to protect you and help you fight in your battles. Jobchange to Soul Linker Mausklah ke kedai minuman yang berada di Morocc arah jam 10 ( morocc 55/259 ). Also, there might be times when you have to go support your friend instead of dealing damage - the SP boost from Kaina helps in this case. The 9 Str is just for a higher weight limit to carry whatever items are needed. Respawn: To return to a save point after dying. Subcategories. Increases the damage inflicted with [Heal] and [Sanctuary] by 50%. Mob: To collect an unusually large group of monsters. Slave: A player that does not receive any experience while hunting, but simply supporting the party. iRO's description of them says: "Soul Linkers have given up the way of Taekwon Do in order to develop and refine their spiritual powers. This comes at the cost of having less INT (which means you depend on Kaina for SP even more). Agi and Vit aren't needed as this is damage-only. The Soul Linker's Spirit skills grant very specific bonuses to the TaeKwon, Super Novice and base classes, which can include inherent bonuses, power ups for specific skills, and/or granting additional skills. STR: 1 2. Compared to Wizards and Sages , their spells are severely limited on what they can be used on, however, thanks to Mild Wind they can use powerful Holy , Ghost , and Shadow magic attacks, something that Wizards & Sages don't have. You can bypass the requirement to use Ka Buffs (can only be used otherwise when soul linked) with th… LUK: 1 This build is obviously used to maximize Esma damage combined with Mild Wind within the shortest time. Consume a certain amount of SP to restore HP each time an enemy uses a normal attack. As a Ka- skill, this can only be used on self, family members and other Soul Linkers. They don't need high Dex, because Esma Base-cast time is pretty low anyways. Usually, rods are to be used for Esma or supportive play styles. Grind: The process of hunting for a long time for exp. Much thanks guys. Set bonus with Soul Staff or Wizardry Staff: Dex +2; MAtk +6%; Each upgrade made to the weapon reduces the variable cast time of skills by 1%. From iRO Wiki. Str: 80 to carry them seeds Agi: ASPD doesn't have to be 195. This build is an extraordinary one. Just stand behind the tanker quickly casting Esma over and over to help get things going. During field battle, this SL fights with Swordbreaker/Mailbreaker and Blast/Envenom Clip. Assassin, Rogue, and Wizard Spirits are often preferable. This build decreases Esma cast time and delivers maximum damage, but also drains sp faster. On iRO, this skill is localized as 1st Transcendent Spirit. Support (Role): Request a supportive player (such as a. N>: "Trade", commonly used in chatroom names where the player is trading an item(s). Drop: Item(s) gained from killing a monster. DEX: 99+ 6. Soul Linkers can equip various accessories, such as Clip, Nile Rose, as well as the stat-boosting generic accessories such as Glove, Ring, Earring, Necklace, and of course, their "Level 90+" slotted version. Category:Soul Linker. Spirit: A Soul Linker 's Soul Link, or a monk's spirit sphere (not used often in Renewal) When Kaite is granted to normally ineligible targets via Spirit of the Soul Linker, the chance of reflects occurring is reduced by 50%. Jus… Menjadi Taekwon Boy/Girl Klasik Thor Untuk berubah menjadi Taekwon Boy/Girl di Ragnarok Gravindo ini, temuilah NPC Phoenix di sisi timur Kota Payon. This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total. The Ragnarok Online Calculator by ROratorio, able to simulate stats, equipment, status resistance, skills and damage from Characters in PVM, MVP and PVP environments 1% chance to erase death record of target Super Novice to enable +10 to all stats if job level is 70 or higher. Bug Reports/Suggestions: Discord: Processing Time: 0.049 sec SQL Queries Used: 26 If you have the money, and you are level 80 or higher, you can use Librarian Glove or Eye Stone Ring instead, which, to Linkers, are essentially a Clip with a better SP bonus. AFK: "Away From Keyboard"; used to indicate that someone is not at their computer. You must first attain Job Level 40 as a Taekwon Boy or Girl before changing jobs to Soul Linker. The INT and DEX stats are slightly dependent on your budget. However, some headgear have extra bonuses for Taekwon classes (which includes Soul Linkers): But if you cannot afford the above headgears, there's always Apple of Archer, and the much cheaper Wizard Hat. Accessory. 05) Kaizel skill will be modified to apply normally. A unique thing about Soul Linkers is that they are naturally immune to Dispell. Unless the user is linked with the Soul Linker Spirit, using these skills on anyone else causes them to fail and the caster to be stunned. Soul Linkers are naturally immune to status cancelling skills such as Dispell, Hermode's Rod, or Flying Kick. Compared to Wizards and Sages, their spells are severely limite… I'm posting the Build I have.) Each class has their own Spirit Link that can only be cast upon them. By taking various "Stances" attitudes, you will be able to develop specific skills. Same applies to the odd VIT ending in 4, this is because Soul Linker gets +6 VIT Job Bonus. Battle Build : A build that fights in close combat; usually used on classes which usually do not have this role, such as, Bot: An illegal third-party program that automates various tasks in game, such as leveling, farming, or advertising. Reflected Healing spells will not heal the original caster. Usually they equip a carded Gladius[3], or a Dagger of Counter, while using Mild Wind to maximize their damage. Strictly for Magic Attack, The Principles of Magic sets (Principles of Magic, Pocket Watch, Librarian Glove, Monocle) outperforms other gear combinations on a hindsight sage with a Soul Linker slave. Their leveling methods are either leeching or supporting parties with Kaupe, Eska/Eske and the Spirit Skills. When combined with the Taekwon skill "Warm Wind", you can respond to opponents of all attributes. Bug … Otherwise, if you need VIT, you better sacrifice another stat. Ka- active skills can only target yourself, family members or other Soul Linker type classes. Soul Linker Spirit (Alt: Soul Linker Spirit) is an Expanded class supportive skill available as Soul Linker. Compared to Wizards and Sages, their spells are severely limited on what they can be used on, however, thanks to Mild Wind they can use powerful Holy, Ghost, and Shadow magic attacks, something that Wizards & Sages don't have. Rebirth Spirit imbues High First Classes with the Spirit of the 1st Transcendent, giving them a special buff that lasts until the Spirit buff runs out. SP Reco: Increase SP Recovery. Soul Linkers are a relatively new class. This can be used only on High First classes. With some VIT and their defensive magic, coupled with TaeKwon Kid's Tumbling, they can be quite good tankers. By default the caster can use this only on themself, their spouse or their child, or other Soul Linkers. Endow: Giving a weapon an element using a. EXP tap: The act of attacking or taking damage from a monster to increase the EXP it gives. L>: "Look", commonly used in chatroom names where the player is looking for something/someone. Bug Reports/Suggestions: Discord: Processing Time: 0.050 sec SQL Queries Used: 21 1 Background 2 Job Change Quest … Rares: Rare items, such as cards or equipment only available from monster drops. Soul Linkers are limited to Mage headgear and any that are usable by all classes except novice. Soul Linker is an extended first class in the Taekwon Class tree. From iRO Wiki. Soul Reapers acquired great knowledge and energy from the dead.1 It was a soul linker with a lot of support system skills to strengthen the fellow, but it came to be able to manipulate the soul further by becoming a soul reper, and it got a powerful attack means. They have relatively low HP, but better SP than average. SL: A Soul Linker class player, or the actual Soul Link (Spirit skills). Tank: To have a player, usually with higher, TI: Turn Ins (Eden Gramps), or Turtle Island. To overcome this shortage it is best to have the skill Kaina to increase maximum sp and cut Es-type skill cost as well as having a priest cast Magnificat on the party, or using sp related equipments (Ex. Agi Bolters usually get Kaupe the other 5% hit (non-dodge) too. Rogue Spirit iRO Wiki. SN: A Super Novice class player. Soul Linkers, despite their base being a melee class, are magic casters. KoS: "Kill on sight", usually referring to PvP. A blow from a state in which you take a stand and care about your body can do a lot of damage to your opponent. This is a mix of Dex Bolter and Vit Bolter combining fast casting and middle-level tanking skills. Aside from that, there are other accessories that Soul Linkers can equip, but those mentioned above are what people usually use. Calling upon the power of their ancestors, they can use various Spirit Link skills to enhance the abilities of other players as well as use fancy looking offensive and defensive magic. Soul Linkers, despite their base being a melee class, are magic casters. It is unknown what the central location for Cleric training is, but one powerful line of Clerics once came from the Irine line of the town of Payon. The stat distribution shown above can be adjusted as you wish. Speak with each of the. This type can be cast only on monsters. They use various spirit link skills to enhance the abilities of other classes as well as powerful offensive and defensive magic. This build focuses on WoE with Ka and Spirit Link Skills. low HP), but - depending on where you level - have less problemstrouble with SP regeneration. Casting them on players causes the skill to fail and the caster to be stunned (even in PvP/WoE conditions). Soul Links are a unique type of buff granted only by Soul Linker type classes. Usually those who can't afford a Dagger of Counter (which may be expensive in some servers) need more DEX as they tend to use a carded Gladius[3] instead, and thus require more DEX to gain more HIT so they can hit monsters. They get only a few to none Es skills, as those are usable in PvM only. Slave: A player that does not receive any experience while hunting, but simply supporting the party. Cast Time is not affected by DEX. Healing magic reflected will not heal the source. Asura/Ashura/Ashura Strike: An alternate name for. Base Level 40 Acolyte Class, Magician Class, Soul Linker Sandals Beach Sandals Freyja's Spiritual Sandals iRO Wiki Database Divine Pride Database
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