Attention!!!! We promise you this: that this server wont have any wipes and that this server will be hearing the player opinions. Pk instances Nation WarsTW, and Daily PvE. Perfect World private server. Press it! 99 no lag 99 No Downtimes Rates XP Using Custom Mobs Drop 20x Sp Using... 157 Wonderland Expansion - Original Settings - Active PvP - Rank 9 Gears - Homestead - Active GMs friendly community - Territory Wars, Custom Events, Custom Cosmetics - Join our great community. [CLASSIC LOWRATE X1 & HIGHRATE X10] [136 LOST EMPIRE EXPANSION] [3 RACES 6 CLASSES] [MAX LVL 105] [PLAY TO WIN] [ANTI-CHEAT] [IN-GAME OPTIMIZATION] [NEW UI FEATURES] [NATION WARS AND OTHER NEW EVENTS] [PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT 24/7] [A LOT OF FASHION, MOUNTS, FLYERS AND OTHER COSMETICS] [COME JOIN US! Perfectworld Private Server Indonesia, Medium Rate, Max Level 120 2x Reinkarnasi, Custom User Panel, Game Gold for Item Mall, Free to play and Play to Win. Supporting a video platform is expensive because of … Obtain the gear and other stuff in the near future. Perfect World is a 3D adventure and fantasy MMORPG with traditional Chinese settings. Perfect World is a 3D adventure and fantasy MMORPG with traditional Chinese settings. DONATE TODAY. Nation Wars, active PvP, custom events. ? Blog ini bertujuan untuk Sharing Game Perfect World, Berita Game dan lainya, 151 SERVER R9R3 END GAME GEAR FREE, READY FOR PK IN 10 MINS, EASY FARM , NICE MARKETING SYSTEM ALL ITEMS IN NPC, CUSTOM ITEMS , INSTANT SUPPORT, Perfect world Homecoming is a classic 136 server with increased rates and plenty of quests to do Go head to head in our balanced pvp, or tackle the challenge of dungeons like before with your squad. Asterinian PW. Active PvP. El server sube nivel con los jugadores. Full Eclipse Expansion - The most popular international server - Over 6 years of professional development - Nation Wars, active PvP, custom events - High rates with level 150 cap - Biggest fashion collection for free - Join our great community, Free International private server 155 [x2] - PVP/PVE elements - Max level 105 - 6 Races, 12 Classes - Endgame gear Rank 9 - The perfect server to chill with your friends - GRIND to WIN - 24/7 Support on Discord - NO pay to win - Combining the best of Perfect World prime with latest mechanics. Perfect World Private Server Orion. Perfect World private server. The most balanced and stable version is installed on the server. Endless customization options. Thank you! JOIN OUR DISFUNCTIONAL FAMILY - WARNING PWR CONTAINS NUTS ENTER AT OWN RISK. Our team consists of professionals who love their job sincerely and anxiously relating to their duties. No donation needed, play to win environment. … ExternalPW - is free classic Perfect World private server on version 1.3.6 and low rates. Also at us is, the City of Dark Animals, the Palace of the Tsar of the Dragon, Territorial wars, Cubi at auction. private server mainly based around the relax mod - featuring score submission, leaderboards & rankings, custom pp, and much more for both relax and vanilla osu! Play to Win Environment. Perfect World 1.5.4 Server hosted on dedicated machine. ], PerfectWorld Impulse1.5.3 Easy gameplay setting, real for pvp, farming, and its STABLE Jobs Ready for the happines Come play with Us. 2020-07-31 17:28:37 About server: Version 1.5.5, PvPPvE Maximum level 200 All major locations work 6 races, 12 classes No cards, no respawns Ability to collect incast and 5.0 At start: 100 level Spirit and Yuan 999999 Event Gold 99 set, CHDPerfect World top 100, 200 server, Perfect World Private Server, Perfect World servers Have a good game! PW Ko2World Private Server International. PW 1.3.6, Low Rate PvP / PvE. PRIMEIRO SERVIDOR DE PW QUE OS GMS SEMPRE FALAM COM OS PLAYS, [NEW QUEST BASED][DEDICATED AND STABLE SERVER][3 RACES] [6 CLASSES] [1.57 BASE] [1.36 CONTENT][MAX LVL 250 IN-GAME LVLING][CUSTOM QUESTS][DAILY EVENTS][UNSEEN CUSTOMIZATION][ACTIVE GM][DUAL FAIRY/INSTANT CAST/5 APS][PROFESSIONAL ACTIVE DEV][WORLD BOSSES][JOIN NOW]. We are a No Drama family oriented Server. FREEbies on character creations and the ability to obtain FREE Boutique Gold from Vote rewards as well as in-game rewards. Perfect World Private Servers. Add your Perfect World server to get more players! Perfect World server: PW.MMOCLASSIC.NET - is the true classic, one of the most balanced and stable versions is installed on the server. Disini tempatnya di PW O... Cara membuat Yokebone '' Selamat … Join Today! Servidor version 1.5.5 Elysium Va asteptam cu drag!!! Drama Free, Play-to Win, Quest to Level, custom server based off of 1.5.3 Eclipse version with all 12 classes! No GMs. English : Twilight PW is the Perfect World Private Server … Come play one of the most legendary 155 servers ever. 1.5.3 PvE Server - Standard Rate Server. Mas conforme suas habilidades de combate evoluem, automaticamente você passa a buscar por adversários realmente desafiadores. [NEW Race,Classes][NEW Maps,Skills] [FREE Packs,9th Culti,Blessings][Cross Server NationWar Sunset Valley with BIG ST Rewards][Nation King System][EXP:200x][SP/DROP:100x][Money:150x][Max LvL 105][Original Settings][Vote Rewards in Gold][Easy to get Gold in Game][Custom Fashions][INSTANT SUPPORT]. Time till toplist reset: 1 week, 4 days, 11 hours, 55 minutes from now. Elysium expansion. Lots of Events and fun! No lag No Downtimes Rates XP 5x Drop 2x Sp 3x Money 7x New Races New Quests Clean low XP play. Perfect World Private Servers. Coins x2. We are glad to see you in our game and we will try to do everything, what would you have been interesting and comfortable to play on this server. - free International EN/RU private server Perfect World 1.3.6 [x1] PvE. Search and find the best Perfect World private servers ranked by votes, version, type using our top list and vote for your favourite. On our server all caves from 19 to 79 are started, in the fast I will start still. For best experience while browsing servers on our top list, please Enable Javascript in your browser. Advertise here: Rank Server Votes; 26 LMS … The server is private and maintained by X22 Report. Long term server with stress free gameplay, vote rewards, automated and admin/gm hosted events, the most customization(flyers fashion etc), no donation for gear, play to win system and a good starter pack. Active GM & weekly updates with n... [Homestead][G17][New Skills][Play to Win System][No Donation Needed][LOTS Of Freebies][12 Classes][Fast Leveling][High Rates][Max LvL 105][Unique Vote Rewards][Easy Gold in Game][Custom Fashion][NationWar and Sunset Valley with ST Rewards][World Bosses][Awesome Dungeons Setup][Professional Support]. (WARFRONT) FREE TO PLAY NO NEED TO PAY EVERYTHING IN GAME PLUS MANY MANY CUSTOMISED ITEMS, TITLES AND EVENTS FOR ALL CLASSES AND LEVELS. No cash needed, full gear when you start! Earn gold fairly quick doing daily and culti quests. Why a private server? Search and find the best Perfect World private servers ranked by votes, version, type using our top list and vote for your favourite. Perfect World Twilight is the first Indonesia Private Server that come with balance and stable. Reliable server for the fans of enduring gaming process with balanced economy. With us you can plunge into the good old atmosphere and play with comfort. Asterinian PW. ? This is perfect for setting up servers for a guild where you … Professionaly hosted since 2008, Great community, Free Cubi! All maps open. Have Fun ! Perfect World Reborn private server. > Low rate server. Official like balanced gameplay Uncheatable vote currency system Custom website features Automated PvP/PvE events REBORN GAMING NETWORK. No Pay to win, Everything farm able! New Features, Custom content, Helpful Team, PvP System, Everyday events, New quests, new races. X22 Report Censorship Free Private Server. Private Wrechid World A private mostly stock server. Sp x2. At the moment until 5 October 2018 we have a super offer for all players that creates new accounts. Join now, [FREE LEVEL 150][FREE STARTER GEAR][1500+ CUSTOM Weapon Fashion, Mounts and Flights][CUSTOM FARMING: Choose between PVP to GAIN or PVE to GAIN][BRAND NEW SERVER][Nerver seen before Custom Gear: Choose between APS/DPH OR NUKE]. Completely free to play. Low rate: Exp x2. FREE VIP SET - Max Level 250 - Instant Cast - 5 APS - We have customizations not seen anywhere else - unique game-play - Automated events - GM Events - ALL Classes playable - Homestead - Friendly GMS - Professional Developer - JOIN TODAY! Welcome to Perfect World Reborn. The PWCLASSIC.NET server is the true classic of the golden era Perfect World, here you will find yourself in that good old atmosphere where there is no need to enter the game as to work due to thousands of … The PWCLASSIC server is the true classic of the golden era Perfect World, here you will find yourself in that good old atmosphere where there is no need to enter the game as to work due to thousands of … > Vote For Cubi Gold.... Perfectworld Private Server Indonesia, Medium Rate, Max Level 105 2x Reinkarnasi, Custom User Panel, Game Gold form Item Mall, Free to play and Play to Win. High rates with level 150 cap. > Unique Reward For BH. Find your favorite servers ranked by votes, version, type and location on our gaming top. > Alot Of Custom Content. Join our high traffic top list and we can guarantee you more traffic for free. ? > Unique Reward For PV. The server launched April 11th. Easy farm. Mostly stock. Come join the new Knights of Camelot! The Best Private Server Of Perfect World, Join Now Our Comunity ! Friendly admin and GMs, nice community. Perfect World Reborn private server. Max level 150 with 2 reAwakenings The biggest selection of custom mounts-pets-flyers-fashion-events-quests and more! Join our community Join our server for nostalgia for old PWI - best online game you knew years ago! Exp rate roughly 3x. Full PVP server Unique Battle Royale mod like in PUBG/Fortnight/Warzone/Apex Legends/etc. Weekly 1.6.2 Server comp... New Horizons version using classic exp and drops settings. - Completely Free to play - Drama Free -Custom EXP rates/Mobs/Bosses/Events/Gear (Rank X) Facebook:Questerspw. Top level 500, no overpowered donations. Painty Perfect World - Perfect World Private Server. High rates. Akatsuki is an osu! it will be absolutely stable and open for a long time. For those that want to play Active friendly GM staff. Login | Register News ; Vote ; Voucher ; Ingame Services ; Ranking ... Trial Debug Server. Full Eclipse Expansion - The most popular international server - Over 5 years of professional development - High rates and active PvP - Nation Wars and daily events - Start with level 110 and level 150 cap - Join our great community. Perfect World Private Server 100 Percent Free to Play, Find your adventures with your friends at Perfect World Twilight. Western Steppes Neverfall with story line quests. Game ini akan penuh dengan unsur tantangan, perdagangan, percintaan, taktik dan politik di antara para sesama player PW Private Server … Our server on the end started that, 100x EXP 100x SP 100x GOLD, cubi at auction. The PWCLASSIC.NET server is the true classic of the golden era Perfect World, here you will find yourself in that good old atmosphere where there is no need to enter the game as to work due to thousands of … WarZonePW - classic pvp version 1.5.5 2x rates and bonus quest - Fresh launch - Open on 23.08.2020 - Increased rewards for a faster progress. Latest + custom content, Start with free gears. Join us today! This is NOT a Donate or Pay to Win environment!. How to set up a "private" server. - Free lvl 95 and quickmaze gear for any new character - Join now! > Human, Elf, Untamed, Tideborn, Earthguard classes. Indonesia : Twilight PW adalah Perfect World Private Server International dengan versi 146 balance all jobs incast dengan game play yang menarik dan pastinya semua item bisa didapatkan didalam game. Custom quests, donation money in drops! Relive the Best Version!!! Your donations keep the server afloat by helping with the development of this project and paying for the servers and services. Active server with active staff. Empire Perfect World Full Version 1.5.1, New Horizons, Rates Exp. Setting up a "private" server will restrict access to your server and channels to only the members you specify. 5 races, 10 classes, no rank 9. Perfect World Private Server Neptune, memberikan pengalaman berbeda dengan menghadirkan Gameplay Official, Semua Item dan Equip Di berikan Secara Gratris tidak ada Donasi dalam Bentuk Equip ataupun Item , Kami menyediakan Donasi hanya dalam bentuk Custom Style seperti Fashion, Fashion Wing, Atau PetRide dengan Update hingga ke PW … Set your Sights High of the Biggest 1.6.2 DownGrade to Ever come to a Private Server community Built we care about you and not your wallet Active Royal Sky and Chaotic Soul Cultivation Questlines Custom content made for the Players on request no pay to... 136 DEDICATED SERVER MAX LEVEL 500 LEVEL UP INGAME NO DONATION NEEDED BUG CAST 5 APS 100 BALANCED PVP UNIQUE QUEST LINE PLAY TO WIN 100 CUSTOMIZED DAILY QUETS FRENDLY GM 247 SUPPORT. You work for customization! We are an English server PWI 1.5.1 New horizon ours advise regular events Costem are exp-2 / nox-3 / drop 2 and with Questen exp-2 / nox-3 / coinx2, nice and active ADM/GM events and Costen Items, Join us, [Join the Only True PVP Server In the world]-[Latest Content]-[INSTANT GEAR UP]-[New Nightshade Classes]-[LVL 105 Cap] - [Fun Server] - [Build your Character without limits] - [Daily Updates- Large amount of Fashion/Mounts/Pets/Flyers] - [Masive Open World PVP-Territory Wars-Nation Wars]. Even that this is a very old version(1.3.6) of pw is... New high rate server with Elysium expansion - Dedicated & mature admin, huge customization, freebies, original settings, trivia/PvP/territory/nationwars/tank events - First players will get something nice, click the link for more info. No começo de sua jornada, é normal enfrentar criaturas que não são tão assustadoras. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners, all sites listed are added by users. x4, Drop x8, Gold 200, SP 150, Level Cap 150. 1.5.1 Custom PVE server Hosted @ Tier 3 Data Center - 150 Level Cap - NO BOUTIQUE! ? ? Perfect World private server, all quests, Nirvana armor, Warsoul Weapons, Warsong Ornaments, Cube, New Maps, PK, Rank Armor, Nirvana Weapons, Tokens, Lucky Packs, Fashion, Mounts, Tideborn Weapons, 119 skills, All instances open, Manufacturing, Events and Fun. This game start on March 2011, then we closed on June 2016. With us you can plunge into the good old atmosphere and play with … VoteDonate for gold. 136 Old version. Perfect … Join our community The server pwclassic is a true classic of the golden era Perfect World, you will find yourself in that old-good atmosphere, where there are no … The saturated game, epic storyline, r8r2, r9-r9r4, g17r5, daily quests, title systems PvE/PvP button. © GTOP100.COM - 2021. --Server Dusk, Inicia level 1, kit iniciante com Set full 4 slot, pronto para PVP, LvL Max 150 EXP 100 SP 50 Drop50 Gold 30 -Servidores Totalmente Full PVP , Venha Jogar Perfect World 1.3.6 Nitro. To protect against censorship. Good community, helpful GM\'s / Admin, Ayo Bantu Vote Bier Mimin Semangat Buat update Perfect World Private Server Terbaru hanya untuk kalian semua :). Nice friendly community. Join the best free to play Perfect World private servers list and advertise with us. Update Boutique Packs Missing ... PW … Vote to get items. ? Game pw private server ini terkenal dikalangan pecinta game mmorpg, untuk itu jangan sampai ketinggalan untuk bermain dan bergabung bersama Perfect World Ko2World Private Server … Review this site (0) … Online: 700+ gamers. Leveling up your character is very fast. File Server ini untuk Edisi Perfect World Private Server Offline yang tinggal kalian import image tersebut ke dalam Virtualbox kalian Sekedar informasi File Serverini sudah di upgrade untuk Maps Server … New 1.3.9 PvP server with classic races! Google Ads. Hell2world use Perfectworld Version 1.3.6 with 3 Race and 6 Class, have 5.00 ASPD and. Play to Win with Friendly live support from our active GM\'s. top 100 Perfect World private servers, Perfect World top 200, PW related sites . Actualizaciones en base al avance de los jugadores. Play To Win settings with Anti Cheat protection. Maze con drop especial de Dark Wars. Let's see which Perfect World servers are the best and worth your time to try aswell! Customized daily rewards. Nuevas quest unicas. A simple 1.5.5 server. 1.5.3. All 12 classes Server timezone is USA EST EXP and SP rate x10. Endless customization options. BRAND NEW [OPENED 3RD JANUARY 2020]. Perfect World Private Server Orion Bingung Cari PW Private Yang Balance dan Akan Bertahan Lama ? '' Top 5 perfect world private servers. Biggest Top list for Private Servers. Welcome to Perfect World Reborn. 2020-07-31 17:28:37 About server: Version 1.5.5, PvPPvE Maximum level 200 All major locations work 6 races, 12 classes No cards, no respawns Ability to collect incast and 5.0 At start: 100 level Spirit and Yuan 999999 Event Gold 99 set, CHD Perfect World top 100, 200 server, Perfect World Private Server, Perfect World servers Feb 5, 2020 / Author: Wrechid. ? 1.3.6 Version of PW, Only Original 3 Race 6 Class, Low Rate PvE / PvP Server. 4 Perfect World Online Private Server 6 0 Perfect World Online Private Server . > Fun Farming > Unique Reward For TW. Metin2TikTok este un sv pvm easy foarte echilibrat cu lvl maxim 120. Toplist reset in 6 days, 8 hours and 50 minutes. Perfect World Storm is a 153 server - Server timezone is USA - EXP and SP rate is x500 - Fast Leveling - Same gender marriage available - Plenty of events - Custom gear - titles - fashion - pets - genies plus much more - PwStorm Devs have 5 years of PW... - 6 races, 12 classes, Free To Play, PK PVP everytime, everywhere. Listing the most popular Perfect World private servers ranking them by popularity. Fight other players for the … The PWCLASSIC.NET server is the true classic of the golden era Perfect World, here you will find yourself in that good old atmosphere where there is no need to enter the game as to work due to thousands of grueling daily tasks, the eternal race for new equipment and global updates. A lot of fashions, mounts, flyers, battle pets, wings, colored nicknames. 153 version, level cap 150. - Support Multi-Languages Client include English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Portuguese... and more if you request - Server Version 1.5.5 with 1.5.7 Items Fashions, Flyers, Rides from PWI... [Allegiant Perfect World] - [Elysium Patch] - [155]-[New Nightshade Classes]-[LVL 150 Cap] - [Good Starter Pack] - [PWI Retail R9R3 Gears-Pots-2 Rebirth-s+ Avatar Cards] - [High Rate] - [ Updates- Large amount of Fashion/Mounts/Pets/Flyers] - [Masive... [155 DEDICATED SERVER] [MAX LEVEL 500] [NO DONATION NEEDED] [BUG CAST] [5 APS] [100% BALANCED PVP] [UNIQUE QUEST LINE] [PLAY TO WIN] [100% CUSTOMIZED] [DAILY QUEST] [FRIENDLY GM] [24/7 SUPPORT], Chillax Revamped is the place to be to hang out with your friends and make new ones ;). Perfect World Dark Wars. Set your Sights High of the Biggest 1.6.2 DownGrade to Ever come to a Private Server community Built we care about you and not your wallet Active Royal Sky and Chaotic Soul Cultivation Questlines Custom content made for the Players on request no pay to Win custom Titles No donation needed, Gold in Auctioneer 24/7. External Perfect World | Classic x1 & Highrate x10 1.3.6, ThePW136 com Perfect World 136 EN RU x1 PvE, PWONLINE Classic 136 x15 I SOON THE INTERNATIONAL. Totally revamped High rates 100x, Full PvP, instant lvl 101 and initial r9, R9r3 End Game, Max lvl 105 2 reawakenings - PLAY TO GAIN Vote for Gold Online Gold Custom NPC with boutique items through quest and event rewards - Custom Balance - Active GMs... Fresh New High Rate Server - We invite you to play the best server out there. Perfect World Classic Server … PW.MMOCLASSIC.NET - is the true classic, one of the most balanced and stable versions is installed on the server. Azure Classic, A classic PWI style. (2x) > Max level 105. Drop x1, Quest x1. Nation Wars, active PvP, custom events. Good community, helpful GM\'s / Admin. High rates with level 150 cap. Enjoy the player created content, or create the content yourself. Homestead. Perfect World 1.5.3 Server hosted on dedicated machine. During the running period, this game has updated the server for 40 times in a period of 5 years without any Roll Back / Wipe out (Where at that time many private servers … Re Open Beta PW Private Server Ko2World , dalam waktu dekat ini akan segera kami rilis Perfect World Private Server Baru dengan versi 1.5.5. PW Mirage comes with a dedicated, web-based editor. Free Starter items. [Orizon Perfect World] - [Elysium Patch] - [1.5.5]-[New Nightshade Classes]-[LVL 105 Cap] - [Good Starter Pack] - [PWI Retail R9R3 Gears-Pots-2 Rebirth-s+ Avatar Cards] - [High Rate] - [Daily Updates- Large amount of Fashion/Mounts/Pets/Flyers] - [Masive Open World PVP-Territory Wars-Nation Wars], NOVA ERA AKI VEM SERVIDOR NOVO BRASILEIRO. Customized daily rewards. Perfect World private servers Perfect World Classic Server. Live support. Hello this server is a combination of pvp and pve that you never seen before. Newly Open / Fresh TW maps. New Perfect World private Servers recently released online in 2021. Perfect World Private Server 100 Percent Free to Play, Find your adventures with your …
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