The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. 2020.05.12 2.7 Wells support. View mod page. Mod updates; Recent activity chevron_right.... Mods of the month. Key: [SS version] Mod Name and Link by Author Versions tagged in blue will run in the current release of Starsector. Big notice Please note that the sprites used here are of fair use. Welcome back today we are doing MOD tier list. Topic: Mod Index (Categorized)  (Read 1279510 times), Starsector 0.95a In-Development Patch Notes, Concordance of Protection Syndicate (COPS), Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans Mobile Suits, Hyperspace Network - Information Services, Quote from: Schmitski on February 26, 2012, 11:42:27 AM. Starsector mod categories. Like a lot of farmers, I enjoy keeping my chests neatly organized by item category. This utility mod is pretty straightforward: it only replaces the vanilla rotary weapons' animations with (imo) smoother ones that spin-up and down progressively, and rotate faster when using Accelerated Ammo Feeder. Uploaded: 04 Mar 2020. The goal of this Mod Pack is to put all of my private modifications to Starsector into one easy-to-install package. If you are looking for how to find or install existing mods then please check the excellent Mod Index on the forum Broadly speaking things are added and not removed nor modified so older information is very often still relevant. ... Mod Index (Categorized) Alex: 3 1274471 December 10, 2013, 08:54:20 AM Author: Histidine. Also, this list includes the ships of the base mod and its addon, ApproLight Plus or AL+. Overhauls 6 files New files added on: 14 February 2021 . It is often useful to setLightColor based on your star color but you can do whatever, those are 8bit RGB values. Starsector 0 files Factions 16 files New files added on: 27 September 2020 . Uploaded: 12 Dec 2018 . Adjusted (Redated) ai core drop rates, so farming their fleets no longer grants unlimited (alpha) cores and therefore money. Mod updates; Recent activity chevron_right.... Mods of the month. If anyhow possible, no floor tile entities or individual communications are made use of. In ApproLight's case, the original Chinese name can be found at the right of the translated name. The goal of this Mod Pack is to put all of my private modifications to Starsector into one easy-to-install package. Last Update: 23 Jan 2021. (05/10/19); Blog post: Writing Starsector (12/18/20); Starsector 0.95a In-Development Patch Notes (10/16/20), Each mod comes in a zip or rar archive file. Discover chevron_right. To add tags, simply start typing the tag you're after. ... StarSector Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Author: NinjaSiren. Uploaded: 06 Feb 2021 . Wabbajack Skyrim Mods – How to load hundreds of mods without issues; Starsector. Mods: 39, Files: 297. This mod significantly expands the variety of systems and planets you'll encounter while exploring. Found 6 results. system.setLightColor (new Color (239, 155, 128)); // light color in entire system, affects all entities. 3 Content 4 Latest activity This wiki has been created to give documentation to game mods created for Starsector, a top-down open world, singleplayer space simulation game by Fractal Softworks. 2020.10.30 2.8 support. Mod categories chevron_right. Starsector 0.9.1a is out! Nexerelin adds a … Mod categories chevron_right. Designer’s Decoration Mod 1.16.2/ 1.15.2 adds cosmetic blocks for the designer’s workshop, factory, and also home. Nexerelin is kind of a create-your-own-faction mod, but there's a sizable feature list in addition to that. 38530 Posts 2534 Topics Last post by Morrokain ... Mod Index (Categorized) Alex: 3 1274844 December 10, 2013, 08:54:20 AM by Trylobot Choose your faction (or establish your own) and dominate the Sector! Nexerelin. There are dozens of systems, which can be classified in two groups, the Core Worlds, and the outer systems. Starsector > Mods; Child Boards: Modding. Starsector (formerly “Starfarer”) is an in-development open-world single-player space-combat, roleplaying, exploration, and economic game. Here the mod's ships can be found for easy access. To start off, can you tell us a little bit about yourself? Requires SMAPI 1.14+. I recommend the first, as it's free and has more capabilities. Discuss modding Starsector here. Uploaded: 23 Feb 2019. 2020.11.05 "Flagship and Citedel" update! (. Mods are listed in alphabetical order within their category. All rights reserved. This thread has been purged and locked because of it's high importance and visibility, combined with the apparent tendency for it to go off the rails in off-topic or inflammatory discussions. Recently we have seen a spate of provocative and troll mods being uploaded based around current sociopolitical issues in the United States. You can then select which mod(s) you want to run with in the launcher. Miscellaneous. Compatible with Chests Anywhere. 56.8MB ; 2-- Super Degenerate Portrait Pack. 3.2MB ; 221-- LazyLib. 1. Flagships are the most powerful ship class in DNC mod, equiped with titanic weapon, most durable armor and energy shield. Thanks for inviting me for this interview on Nexus Mods… A simple, clean fighter-, and cruiser-centric high-tech/midline faction,focused around carrier combat, specialized weapons, and high mobility.Adds 40+ ships and 70+ weapons, new {REDACTED} enemies, generous campaign content,deeply inappropriate ship names, cheese-eating space magic, arcane in-jokes, and more. On to the factions! When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. 1 Derelict Mothership core 2 Modules 2.1 Bow Shield Module 2.2 Bow Sensor Mast 2.3 Front Right Small Gun Pod 2.4 Mid Right Medium Gun Pod 2.5 Rear Left Engine Gun Pod 2.6 Front Left Medium Gun Pod 3 Change History Shown to the right without modules attached. We will tier mods from our modded playthrough. Mod updates; Recent activity chevron_right.... Mods of the month. An utility mod modifying the vanilla beams to better differentiate them. Separate new tags with spaces. The Persean Sector is the region of space in the Milky Way galaxy where Starsector takes place. Nexerelin is a continuation of the Exerelin mod from older versions of Starsector. Explore this month's nominated mods. This mod significantly expands the variety of systems and planets you'll encounter while exploring. Log in to view your list of favourite games. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. … You can filter your search by including or excluding tags. Starsector Review: An Epic Space RPG Simulation; VA-11 Hall-A. This content takes many forms and ordered from small to big in scale: utility mods that are tools such as in-combat 2D radar or mod libraries that enable mods which require 'non-vanilla' code, additional abilities for the player's fleet or making some of the inactive star gates usable via a chain of missions or quests, additional ships or weapons and up to whole new factions with their unique gameplay styles and … Nothing more. Discover chevron_right. ... LazyLib is a library required by most other Starsector mods. Hyperion Systems. View image gallery. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. The first mod almost anyone will recommend will be Blackrock Drive Yards. Improve compability with other mod. The mod has its focus on non-functional, decorative blocks. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Obviously, this means you can no longer request additions via posts. You will need a capture tool to take screenshots, like ShareX or WinSnap. Last Update: 10 Oct 2020. Explore this month's nominated mods. Nexerelin is a continuation of the Exerelin mod from older versions of Starsector. This is a pack of ~1600 anime-themed portraits from basically every pack I could find for Starsector. Fighters are generally the smallest ships and Capitals are the largest ships, while Stations are big orbital defense structures. Mod categories chevron_right. You take the role of a space … The Derelict Mothership will spawn with 6uniquemodules: Bow Shield Module Bow Sensor Mast Front Right Small Gun Pod Mid Right Medium … The mods are divided into Faction mods and Libraries, which are the two categories that this wiki strives to complete. The goal of this Mod Pack is to put all of my private modifications to Starsector into one easy-to-install package. Discuss modding Starsector here. Nexerelin adds a number of 4X gameplay features to Starsector, such as faction diplomacy and warfare, and enhances the game with several other features. This is an intensive competition where modders must strategize and collaborate together in order to release four mods in four different random categories from December 1st until the 31st. As of the current version, most of the sector is procedurally generated, which means that the sector will vary from campaign to campaign. Some parts of the Mod Pack are stand-alone Utility projects that don’t depend on other components. This format is designed to facilitate finding specific information quickly when you know what to look for. Currently filtering by: categories. Citedels are the station version of flagships. As using the original sprites of the ships is not allowed in this wiki (faction flags and other stuff is fine), I wrote this guide to help take screenshots of the ships to add them to articles without violating rule 2. Discover chevron_right. Author: ALazyWizard. Features: Clinker bricks: Slightly darker and more colorful version of the … I have a fish chest, a vegetable chest, a forage chest, a food chest, and a dozen others, and I spend several minutes at the end of each day sorting the day's haul into the appropriate chests. Starsector provides examples of: After the End: While the game's lore is only explained in blog and forum posts at the moment (and subject to change if/when the devs decide on something better), this is the current state of things. Starsector From PCGamingWiki, the wiki about fixing PC games This article documents a product currently under development - information may change frequently and could be outdated or irrelevant. Starsector > Mods; Child Boards: Modding. For this week's mod author interview, we're joined by Lo2k, who has been a member of our community since 2006 and is the author of over 50 different mods for No Man's Sky. ... Nexerelin adds a number of 4X gameplay features to Starsector, such as faction diplomacy and warfare, and enhances the game with several other features. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. 1100f, // radius (in pixels at default zoom) 450); // corona radius, from star edge. This wiki, with the blessing of the mod community, has been created to add the content of the modders who want it to do so. Utilities. Thank you for joining us Lo2k. This is my Mod Pack for Starsector. Last Update: 31 Mar 2020. Utilities 9 files New files added on: 19 October 2020 . Some parts of the Mod Pack are stand-alone Utility projects that don’t depend on other components. This is my Mod Pack for Starsector. Explore this month's nominated mods. Miscellaneous 8 files New files added on: 06 February 2021 . All ships can be categorized into one of six classes: Fighter, Frigate, Destroyer, Cruiser, Capital and Station. This is my Mod Pack for Starsector. On Linux, it's in the starsector directory. This section of the wiki is for creating mods. Factions. You have to extract. 1 About this wiki 2 Welcome to the new Starsector Mods wiki. 33 have been filtered out. 38530 Posts 2534 Topics Last post by Morrokain in Re: Misc modding questio... on Today at 04:21:01 PM Modding Resources. Copyright © 2021 Robin Scott.

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