/s about the candles. There was once a version of Dolphin that allowed to map stuff from Motion Plus to an X360 gamepad. All you need to know about skyward.Only skyward Are you looking for play with? And some parts of the game rely so heavily on the motion controls that it can take hours to accomplish what takes thirty seconds with a real Wii remote. So I wanted to know if anyone can guide me in the right direction. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the DolphinEmulator community. The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword WII is an action-adventure game for the Wii home console, made and expose from Nintendo.The sixteenth mainline entry in The Legend of Zelda series, it was released worldwide in November 2011. Simply saying, it was a clusterfuck. The major differences that fit my preferences are making the sword super-available. If anyone who has played with one or both methods can tell me their experiences, I'd like to hear it to try and make a decision. But the one I've never been able to play was Skyward Sword, mostly due to the Wii Motion Plus requirements. Got the game and did the download and now I can not play it … The Legend Of Zelda – Skyward Sword for Wii console game and you can play this game in an emulator, you just have to download the ROM (ISO/RAR/ZIP/7Z) file first, which is available in RomsKit our site. I hope all of this information helps. This isn't a game where we can sneak shake onto a button and savor the experience, Dolphin needed to be able to create complex motions and report the correct data in order for a game like this to be playable. R-stick is just the sword and sword thrust is mapped to a button, not a stick click. The stamina is well implemented, cheating should only be used for costume swaps and removal of fi reminders/pickup reminders imo. (Download for the config is at the bottom. I really didn't like it, it's flawed in nearly every possible way. But, one glaring flaw exists in this plan: The motion controls. Do you know why? Or try play Twilight Princess if you haven't, It was a Gamecube port so I don't think it relies on much waggling and cursor action. To get around this, try pressing in the trigger slowly while pressing the right stick up until Link assumes the Skyward Strike pose), Spin Attack= Press both Left Trigger + Right Trigger & both sticks in while holding any direction, Update 1- Swapped Nunchuck Shake to Left Stick click to allow better rolling (Wiimote Shake is now on Right Stick), Update 2- Increased IR FOV to 100 to kill the Eye Guardians in Skyview Temple. Skyward Sword on Dolphin with emulated motion plus - YouTube Make sure the extension is .ini and not .ini.txt sometimes windows will add .txt to the end of .ini files. ). Now I should add how to play using the config. Screenshots: Legend Of Zelda Skyward Sword Dolphin Download (, 04:19 I am)oOTAGOo Wrote: Action by Action: Skyward Blade + xBox controllerI dreamland't observed a fast/easy walkthrough ón how to obtain a gamepad set up for DoIphin so I thought I would blog post one for anyone in need.1) Download:x64:x86:2) Unzip and drag everything into your Dolphin file. Skyward Sword has the best implementation of the concept I've ever tried- it's not perfect, certainly- but it's still extremely good, and feels much more natural (and flexible) than anything else the series has ever used. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. (If locked on, let go of both triggers before doing this or it won't work), Skyward Strike= Right Stick Up + light Right Trigger press (Sometimes the Skyward Strike won't register. They're wonderful, even- they're far and away my favourite aspect of the game- and I say that as someone who usually can't stand motion controls. Obviously, there's no one right way to do this and everyone can tweak something like this for personal preference, I think more options is always better. I loaded Dolphin to test out Skyward Sword and the difference is INCREDIBLE. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvucvcmAbD4M3k7i0ezysQ0tDAxt?e=lK6si7. With that out of the way, some basic moves that need explaining: Fatal Blow = Hold Left Bumper and both Left and Right Trigger and push both sticks down. If I update the config, I will update the post. Download The Legend Of Zelda - Skyward Sword ROM for Nintendo Wii(Wii ISOs) and Play The Legend Of Zelda - Skyward Sword Video Game on your PC, Mac, Android or iOS device! I am using the Wii Remote that came with Skyward Sword with the Mayflash Dolphin Bar. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I always thought I would have to skip this one. Research more about play with Hello, in this tutorial in want show you how to configure the xbox 360 controller for play The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword with the Dolphin Emulator with xbox 360 controller or any controller. That’s a controller defect then. For Skyward Sword you'll need to greatly increase infrared range if you want to control the menus with the infrared setting in Dolphin. User Info: Larry_M. Profiles for Xbox Controllers on Dolphin Emulator. Larry_M 4 years ago #1. It's a horrible, crippled experience- the freedom of the motion controls is the game's core mechanic, and the hacked together implementation available really doesn't work very well. I guess in the worst case scenario, I'll get what all the fuss is about, and at best, I'll actually like it. D-Pad Right activates it. And Tim asks, if you update the config, please share it, so that way we can create the best controller config for Skyward Sword ever!!! The story wasn't as good as my 2 favorites: Majora's mask and windwaker, but I thought the gameplay was a strong point. Regular Controller Mapping for Wii Zelda Skyward Sword in Dolphin. That being said this game is all but unplayable without them, sorry OP. I know there's another floating around here too.... might even be in the comments of the post I'm linking to here: https://www.reddit.com/r/DolphinEmulator/comments/dbx7m1/skyward_sword_gamepad_controls_map_accounts_for/. Now take this it's dangerous to go alone! Configuração definitiva 100% garantida pra jogar o game full!Agora quero todo mundo zerando Skyward Sword sem desculpas! The motion controls in Skyward Sword are in a different league from most Wii games, and motion control is integral to the experience. Dolphin ist ein Emulator für die beiden jungen Nintendo-Konsolen Gamecube und Wii.Er ermöglicht PC-Spielern die Spiele dieser beiden Konsolen auf dem PC in Full HD (1080p) mit zahlreichen Verbesserungen zu genießen: Unterstützung für alle PC-Gamecontroller, Turbo-Modus für erhöhte Spielgeschwindigkeit, Mehrspielermodus übers Netzwerk und vieles mehr! :) Obviously, it's gonna be hard to do a perfect layout because of the motion controls, but you can get extremely close. Contribute to pmarcus93/controller-profiles-for-dolphin-emu development by creating an account on GitHub. Cookies help us deliver our Services. It's easily up there with the series' best- in a completely different class to dreck like Twilight Princess. You can see the original here: https://www.reddit.com/r/zelda/comments/e5w1bd/ss_play_skyward_sword_with_xbox_controller/, Big Thanks to Tim Herrmann (YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT8yYZGTYrbV2bItEC_rEqg ) for making and sharing this config. So I thought I'd post it here. Dolphin now supports raw gyro data from such controllers, making Skyward Sword a breeze, and many other games with just a single config! Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Exactly! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Dolphin now supports raw gyro data from such controllers, making Skyward Sword a breeze, and many other games with just a single config! So I'll append to this discussion the profile I made and posted a few months back. I just use integrated Bluetooth and two candles! Technically Skyward Sword doesn't really need the sensor bar. I can always ask her to lend it to me, as she doesn't use her console that much nowadays (I would be borrowing both the game and the Wii). Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Update 3-Added a hotkey to access Upright Wiimote to allow instant Skyward Strike without the guesswork. But I bought a USB one from eBay for about 2 bucks. Dolphin can play thousands of games, and changes are happening all the time. But mine's not perfect either, but it is possible to 100% the game as documented in the linked files. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I'm fully testing the config, (right now I'm in the Lanyaru Desert) and it works quite well. So I just finished playing Twilight Princess and Wind Waker using Dolphin, and of course played the older ones when I was a kid. It looks a lot better than on my Wii and (forgive me) I can cheat to get rid of annoying features like stamina. Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. However, two new alternatives have surged. From the accounts I've heard of people having difficulty with the things, I can only assume that they were using faulty hardware- it's like they were describing a completely different game to the one I played. Thread starter JaceSchin; Start date Jul 9, 2020; JaceSchin Member. I've never played it though, but I'm playing through Skyward Sword right now on Dolphin, it would be crazy to try and map the controls to an Xbox controller. Credits 207 Jul 9, 2020 #1 Hey just wanted to share how I mapped my regular controller in order to play Skyward Sword in Dolphin. I posted this over on r/zelda but it never showed up where others could see it. All in all I don't think the motion controls really did much for me, if anything nintendo's insistence on using every aspect of them ruined the game. It's not a gimmick like Twilight Princess where the GameCube version without motion controls was superior. A friend has a Wii, and she might just buy the game. So I just finished playing Twilight Princess and Wind Waker using Dolphin, and of course played the older ones when I was a kid. It is actually pretty funny, going back and playing older Zelda titles after Skyward Sword felt clunky (the hold B item change menu is wonderful). Fails to load next areas when loading save states created inside some buildings and on the flying overmap. This could be through rose tinted glasses though since it did come out like 10 years ago. It's pretty simple, but: A Button is A; B Button is B; X Button is 1 & Y Button is 2, Left Trigger + Right Stick= Tilt Wiimote (For controlling your Loftwing and the Boss Key turning puzzles), Right Trigger + Right Stick= Swinging Wiimote (For your Sword, obviously), Left Stick Click= Nunchuck Shake; Right Stick Click= Thrust Wiimote. It's the only way to really experience the game. 9 thoughts on “ Hướng dẫn đầy đủ chơi The legend of Zelda: Skyward sword trên giả lập Dolphin với gamepad, không dùng wiimote ” nam nguyễn says: July 1, 2016 at 2:48 pm Zelda Skyward Sword - jouer avec un gamepad ou clavier avec souris - Profil et Tuto Information Pour la configuration des touches du gamepad pour Zelda, je me suis basé sur celui de shinmuriel que j'ai modifié, optimisé et complété progressivement en cours … The Legend Of Zelda – Skyward Sword is an action, adventure game. Dolphin for HD resolution, or Wii for simplicity. The combat system could have been really deep since you can do so many more moves with the wiimote but it just boiled down to swinging at the left side of the enemy that holds their shield obviously to the right. Plus, it's only feasible if you use a (very) dated custom build of Dolphin. I also have the dolphinbar but this game need such accurate motions and playing this game via dolphin unsyncs the wiiremote. :). TL;DR: What its better according to you and if you think the Joystick is the better option, please provide a guide on how to properly configure the Wiimote. Didn't finish the game as it just felt silly and a waste of time. But whichever you choose, you absolutely must use the wiimote. My sister has fibromyalgia and can't play this game because of it. Xbox 360 controller used to play Skyward Sword. A DolphinBar? on the wii I never have this issue. Dolphin has issues with input, but if an actual Wii is giving the same issues then it’s got to be the controller. And this brings out one of the problems to emulating Skyward Sword. Play skyward sword with controller. The protocol is used for transmitting controller input (including motion input) to Dolphin from specific server applications written to support specific controller types. But at the same time, I’ve heard that there is no way of using an Xbox 360 controller without reaching some kind of compromise, and it’s not the way the game was intended to be played. Do you have a wiimote with built in motion plus? Using a Steam Controller, DualShock 4 or a Switch Pro Controller with Dolphin is a lot better. Profiles for Xbox Controllers on Dolphin Emulator. Subreddit for the GameCube and Wii emulator Dolphin. Open Dolphin > Config > ‘General’ Tab > ‘Enable Cheats’ needs to be checked; Make sure you have set up your games directory so you can see Skyward Sword in the main dolphin window Open Dolphin > Config > ‘Paths’ Tab Click the ‘Add’ button and check 'Search Subfolders’ then show Dolphin the path to where you store your games This can happen even on console, and to help alleviate this the game has a built in automatic calibration whenever it sees the sensor bar, as well as a built in manual calibration feature: press Down on the Wii Remote's D… It's indelibly tied to MotionPlus technology. I don't think it's Dolphin at all since this is the only game that does this. The other option would be to emulate it in my PC with an Xbox Controller. It's sad that Nintendo finally delivered on motion controls after many annoying attempts, then immediately abandoned them altogether. Adding to that you can hit things with your sword but you don't really have much tactile feedback. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the DolphinEmulator community. Place in your Profiles folder, and load it up in Dolphin!). During sword strikes or other rapid successive movements, the Wii Remote may lose calibration. So I made sure to read a bit on this before I got it and it says that it's compatible w/the Wii U Gamepad. Use the one you are most comfortable with! Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Created Aug 18, 2013. I'm really scared of having a bad view of the game due to its motion control, as I've heard it's the real reason why the game has gained such a bad reputation (there are other factors, but really most Zeldas have flaws as well, just not as infamous as this controls). You're forgetting people who have physical disorders. By contrast I really liked Twilight Princess. At all costs, avoid playing it with a 360 controller. It needed constant changes in settings, depending on what was happening (as different as one settings for sword combat, another for bow aiming, etc. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Over the past few months there have been many comments, praises, and complaints made of the motion control scheme of Skyward Sword. Either play on a real Wii, or pair a Wii Remote + MotionPlus adapter (or a Wii Remote Plus) with your PC and use it with Dolphin. The main aim of my config was to make it so you wouldn't have to switch controller bindings or configs (there are some that require different ones for just flying etc). The motion controls are absolutely fine. Skyward Sword tends to stab after swings ¶ This one is an actual bug that has actually plagued the MotionPlus rewrite from the beginning. Heh! I'm just sharing another option. I just finished it on the actual hardware. Press J to jump to the feed. I had no problems with the motion controls. You can play Skyward Sword with a Xbox Controller (or any other controller you wish). The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword; Wii U Gamepad Compat??? Hello, in this tutorial in want show you how to configure the xbox 360 controller for play The Legend of Zelda: But the one I've never been able to play was Skyward Sword, mostly due to the Wii Motion Plus requirements. DolphinBar and a real Wiimote Plus (all the ones sold now are this) or original Wiimote with MotionPlus is the only way to go for playing it on PC. Dolphin has issues with input, but if an actual Wii is giving the same issues then it’s got to be the controller. The motion controls really aren't bad at all and you get used to them really quickly. He has blessed me with the Triforce of Wisdom to share this config with y'all and hopefully it helps you like it did me! Skyward Sword: With an actual Wii, or Dolphin and Xbox 360 gamepad? Dolphin Emulator. I didn't have a problem with the motion controls because I thought they worked poorly I just got really annoyed swinging my wrist around and I felt it lacked precision that comes with abstraction. But now a few clever individuals managed to find a way to play the game on their PCs using an Xbox 360 controller. I've been playing through Skyward Sword through Dolphin with a DolphinBar to directly connect my Wiimote. https://www.reddit.com/r/zelda/comments/e5w1bd/ss_play_skyward_sword_with_xbox_controller/, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT8yYZGTYrbV2bItEC_rEqg, https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvucvcmAbD4M3k7i0ezysQ0tDAxt?e=lK6si7. ... Skyward Sword Save Data Update Channel installed on Dolphin to work correctly. I've heard so much about the controls that I am now afraid of them. Skyward Sword is easily the weakest of all the main Zelda games. Using a Steam Controller, DualShock 4 or a Switch Pro Controller with Dolphin is a lot better. It can be a little tricky to do.
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